Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Prayer Request for Mr. Black

From Manoo:I'm sending a prayer request for Mr. Black here. He is about 9-10 years old dog - the oldest in our area. He is among many others living on the street. Last month a car hit him and he has been difficulty walking ever since. The problem is with his front right shoulder bone ; it has also affected the nerves in the right leg. He has no sensation there at all. He has been living in a dog boarding for about 2 weeks now, under medical supervision. We will bring him back on the street by 11th November. Now, the vet says that healing related to the nerves takes a lone time or it can be never healed. I request you to please pray for him so he gets healed and is able to live comfortably on the street just the he has always lived - he is the 'don' of the area. I'm sending his pictures too. In gratitude,

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