Monday, June 19, 2017

Prayer Request for Smokey the Cat

From Dawn:
I was blessed to find your blog with the beautiful prayer to St. Anthony and St. Francis. Our indoor cat, Smokey, got out on Thursday night, June 15th and we've been besides ourselves with worry and hopeful prayer. We've posted signs, posted on all the websites, checked the shelters, called into all the local veterinarians, placed his litter box outside along with his favorite toys and food. I think we're feeding all of the neighborhood critters, and hope that someone is doing the same for our blessed fur-baby. I don't know if you'll even get this message, but if you do... we believe so strongly in the power of prayer for a safe and quick return of our boy. I've been praying to Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Francis and Saint Jude. I will include your beautiful prayer as well. Thank you. Prayer for Smokey's Safe Return St. Francis and St. Anthony, please come promptly to the aid of this precious cat, Smokey, and those who love him so, and enable him to find his way back home, having suffered no ill effects from his separation from his family. Thank you sweet Jesus for your mercy on this family and their dearly loved cat, and for restoring him to them. It is in Your name we pray, Amen.

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