Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Prayer Request for Aria the Cat

From comment section:
Please pray that I find my baby girl cat Aria. She is 11 mon old and was not spayed yet (health reasons) and escaped and has been missing for 5 days. She is familiar with outdoors but she would never be gone like this or even for over a day. I miss her terribly and am beside my self with worry, guilt, fear regret, and near hopelessness. I need a miracle please help me pray. St Francis, St Felix i of Nola, St Anthony, St Gertrude, St Jude and all the saints to keep my baby Aria safe and guide her way back home safely. Let her feel my love and make it back to me. I need a miracle, please God. Please God I need her more than anything. I bottle fed her from a few days old and I have no kids. I miss her so much. Please pray with me that she makes it home or I am guided to her. Thank you.

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