Monday, January 30, 2017

Prayer Request for Willow the Cat

From Tammy:
Could you please pray for my cat Willow, my silver shaded Persian. I have contacted you in the past for prayer requests and I believe it has helped her immensely. Last Sunday, she came out to eat and had trouble walking and her balance was off and she was crying in pain. This continued and I brought her to her vet (they saw her on Tuesday). It wasn't her regular vet but the doctor was concerned about possible blood clot. She was able to get xrays and then said she may have herniated a disc. She gave a dose of narcotic pain meds. Her regular doctor called me the next night after reviewing things because I had called back because willow wasn't sleeping AT ALL. She was concerned about possible area around her femur and will poll other doctors with their opinion and call me on Monday. Willow has been slowly improving daily and she is finally starting to sleep after 3 days without it. Please pray for complete healing and recovery for her and that all issues are benign. She is truly my heart. I will keep you posted. I'm depending on God and I ask you to agree with me for her healing and recovery! Thank you,

1 comment:

  1. Pray for safety, warmth,food and kindness for omalley, missing sweet cat since January 5, and if possible, his safe return home.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.