Monday, January 9, 2017

Prayer Request for Toby the Dog

From the comment section:
Please Pray for my dog Toby, he is not doing good I can't loose him ! I lost my Mom a year ago and my other dog 6 months ago .Toby is all I have left I love him and need him I beg you Please help him. In the name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit. AMEN


  1. Prayers for complete healing of Toby. Lord please heal all illness in Toby and keep him safe in Your palm. Please bring peace and comfort to his Mom during this trial. You love us and You care about what we care about. You know how much Toby means to his mom. You are able to do far beyoung what we ask or imagine. We ask to see Your Glory and Power in this situation. It is in your Son's name we Pray, Amen.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.