Monday, December 26, 2016

Prayer Request for Zeek the Cat

From comment section:
I am asking for your prayers for my cat Zeek, 14 years old, who has been lost since Nov 12, 2016. Zeek was rescued over 10 years ago, and blossomed from a fearful and scared animal, to this beautiful, strong and loving little gentlemen that he is. Many will understand when I say that he "rescued me" as much as we rescued him. Over the years I forged a very strong bond with him, and now I can't find peace since he disappeared. I was supposed to be there for him, to protect him and to make sure that he never gets hurts again...I failed him...and I can't get over that. The unknown is extremely difficult and I can't stop crying, I can accept that he might be gone and if so, then I know he is with St-Francis and he is being loved until the day I see him again. But I don't know where he is..and I keep crying over my baby being alone, scared and if he might be wondering what did he do wrong to be thrown into a bad life again. The thought of him being sick, hurt, scared and starving is very difficult to cope with. I need to find peace. I need ALL your prayers to help him to find the path home, where he belongs...even if this path is not in my arms. I am asking prayers for Zeek, but also prayers for me, Prayers to bring peace in my heart and most important PRAYERS that will help me to know where he is. Thank you for reading my post, I feel so alone and sad. St-Francis, Patrons of animals...I pray to you for the safe return of Zeek. Please lead him to us again, he has so much more love to give and to receive. Thank you

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