Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Prayer Request for Desi the Cat

From Mary Jane:
Desi the cat got sick again and was at the vet. She has the beginning of kidney disease. This worries Deirdre, she has had a lot of doctor appts this week and will undergo a bone biopsy on Friday to determine what type of IV antibiotic to administer to her deep wound in her left heel that has been an open wound since this winter.


  1. Please, who has the open wound? Desi the cat or Dierdre? Praying for both, but it would be good to know!

    Hail Mary, full of grace,
    the Lord is with thee,
    Blessed art thou among women
    and blessed is the fruit of they womb,
    Holy Mary, mother of God,
    Pray for us sinners,
    Now and at the hour of our death

    Our Lady of Good Remedy, pray for us.
    St. Martin de Porres, pray for us


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.