Friday, May 20, 2016

Urgent Prayer Request for Jake the Dog

From the comment section:
Please pray for a miracle that Jake, my sister Mary’s adorable gentle two and a half yr lab puppy will be saved. He is going through final stage kidney failure. We have been told that there is no hope and that he has only between a few days and a few weeks to live. Everything medically and holistically that was recommended has been done. He is a rescue dog who was bottle fed from one day old and survived against the odds. He has been raised by my amazing sister. He is her baby and her world. We love him with all our hearts and we do not want to lose him. Please, please pray for a miracle that he will be healed and survive to live a long healthy life. Thank you for your kindness and prayers.


  1. My dog and I have spoken on behalf of Jake for Mary. You are a good Brother and you will receive your miracle. Because you are rare and good. Always know it was your request that the years of joy with Jake were allowed to continue. Alleluia alleluia alleluia, Thanks be to God

  2. Because of you,Jake and Mary have many years ahead of them. Your family is truly due a miracle. Receive your blessings and share them. Through Christ our Lord
    Alleluia alleluia alleluia


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.