Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Prayer Request for Mia the Dog

From the comment section:
Please pray for our boxer Mia. She has been a very faithful and loving dog for the past 8 years. We just found out today that she doesn't have much more time with us . Her day and hours are short. Through the intercession of St. FRANCES please help our Mia out. Please pray for my husband who has been very broken hearted about this news. I pray God will give him strength to get through this struggle in life. It's very heart breaking to see the one's you love have deep suffering. I know that one day we will see Mia again and I know it's best that she shouldn't have to suffer. Please Lord help Mia and help her to not have to suffer more then she should. We love you Mia and our hearts break for you. I am not selfish as I wanted them to put her to sleep, but as I watched the hurt in my husband I could not tell him no. So we decided to go ahead and bring her home for a few days. I hope it was the right choice but I don't like the suffering Mia has to be in . Please Lord and all that will be praying for Mia help her to not suffer more then she already has. In Jesus Almighty Name Amen

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