Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Prayer Request for Angel the Cat

From comment section:
Please pray for my sweet kitten Angel. He has been a bright spot in our family for over 17 years, and has recently been experiencing a rapid decline in health due to his kidney failure. I am having such a hard time with the thought of him passing, and now it has been decided that we will be putting him to sleep tomorrow evening to avoid anymore discomfort to him... i know that it is for the best, but i can't help but cry at the thought of him not here in his home. I have tried my best to make final stage of life as comfortable as possible, but my heart feels so conflicted about choosing to end his life... I want him to not be afraid, i want him to know how loved he is and i to know that this choice was made in the thought that it would be the best for him... please pray for us. Thank you

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