Thursday, December 24, 2015

Prayer Request for Priscilla the Cat

From the comment section:
Please pray for my cat Priscilla to come home. She's been missing since December 10, 2015. I forgot to put her inside before my husband went to walk our dogs. She had started following us on our dog walks which was really cute, but we didn't feel comfortable with her venturing that far from the house. She came to us in Aug. of 2014 with her 4 kittens. I had her spayed as soon as it was safe to and then found loving homes for the kittens. We tried to make her an inside cat only but weren't successful since she came from the outside to us. Since she's been with us, she's stayed in our yard when she's not inside with us. We had a custom cat house built for her that's insulated and she had the run of the yard. I mention this to illustrate the fact that she is very well taken care of. The night she went missing, my husband said she came running up behind him and the dogs. And a few seconds later a black male cat that's the neighborhood bully chased her under a house. My husband waited for her to come out but she never did. The black cat came out from under the house but she didn't. This is a block from our house. I went right back to the house she was under and she was no where to be found. Despite my calls and bringing food, she never showed up. It's against the city ordinance to post lost and found posters. I've posted her picture on Social Media on a Lost and Found page for this area. I've checked with the local animal control office consistently and have spoken to the neighbors in this area. Please, please help me in appealing to St. Felix to intercede on my cats behalf so that she will return safely to her family. Thank you and God Bless you all.

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