Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Prayer Request for Tobey the Dog

From comment section:
Heavenly Father, I come to your throne Father God with tremendous faith as I ask You dear Lord to please, please heal my precious baby Tobey. Tobey is a Pekingese mix and he's going on SEVENTEEN years of age. Tobey has been very sick since this spring. He's had many seizures or strokes, I'm not sure which,and they have left him nearly an invalid. Tobey miraculously is not in any pain to my knowledge. He's very content. Cataracts have taken a majority of his sight, he's unable to stand on his own,his back legs no longer work,but Tobey has great strength in his upper extremities and Tobey also has a very strong will to live. I can tell that he is hopeful that one day he will be able to regain his balance and actually be able to walk again. The veterinarians have said that there isn't anything that they can do for Tobey anymore and that all I can do is give him love and palliative care at home. He's able to eat good and drink milk, ensure,and his water. I noticed yesterday that Tobey just doesn't seem to be himself lately. Tonight he hasn't much if an appetite and he's not very interested in drinking anything. I can hear loud noises coming from his abdomen and I'm giving him extra love and attention as he's going through this little obstacle. Father God, You know what Tobey is to me and how I would give any and everything to see his health restored. Lord, you created Tobey and I know he was placed in my life to be my companion. Father God, please, please,I plea to You not to take him from me,not now,not soon,but please give us more time together on this earth. Heavenly Father, I'm not being selfish,I love Tobey with every fiber of my being and I will continue to do that as long as You,dear Lord, will allow me to keep Tobey. I feel that I just couldn't go on anymore without Tobey with me. Many have suggested to end his life Lord, but You know that I do not believe in euthanasia,which is a fancy word for murder of a pet just because they're disabled, sick,or handicapped. Lord I am believing for a miracle and I stand in expectation of one. As long as Tobey isn't in pain or suffering, I will provide for him as long as I am able to draw a breath. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I ask that your healing hands touch Tobey tonight and make him well. Lord,Tobey is my everything, we have been through so much together. I pray for every other baby that needs health and healing. Thank you Jesus for the miracles that you have done and will continue to do for Tobey and myself. I stand in agreement that Tobey will pull through this and be with me for some more precious time. I ask this in Your name above all names Father God. In JESUS NAME, Amen,and amen.

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