Monday, September 28, 2015

Prayer Request for Prince the Dog

From comment section:
I ask that you all please pray for our 11 Year old Dachshund. Last week he began to have a limp on his right front paw. After two visits to the Vet we are told that he has the advanced stages of Cushing Disease. He is very much my Daughters dog she has had him since he was 6 months old. He was right beside her when she was battling her Leukemia and then again for her when she had to watch me battle Breast Cancer. Basically the Vet advised we would have to spend around $600 dollars to complete all the testing for Cushing to determine the exact stage in which he is in, and determine the accurate dosage of medication he needs for the treatment and that it could take up to 3 months before he shows any signs of improvement in his mobility. Honestly I don’t have that kind of money but would figure something out to come up with the funds, but she says that to have no guarantee and have to watch him suffer for months. He would be alive but he wouldn’t be living. I’m so torn on what to do….We are all devastated especially my daughter. We ask that you please keep and are darling Prince in your prayers so that the Lord may guide us and give all the strength to deal with this.

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