Friday, July 31, 2015

Sad News - Macy the Dog


From Clare:
"...Three years ago we lost Macy . She was 13 years old then. On day 19 of her being lost I wrote to you . You prayed for my Macy . You told me angel wings wrapped around her and she would be found and was safe . That day !!! Macy was found . It was a miracle ! I have never forgotten what you you did for Macy and I . Macy is now 17 .. On Tuesday night I was told to put her to sleep . Macy had been struggling a lot for a good 6 months . I had taken her to the vet to see what was best for her . I had Macy from 22 years of age . She was my shadow . My soul mate , my beautiful little dog that never complained when put in the back of the car with 3 fighting kids , no matter how Ill she was at the end . She had to put up with a lot but was only happy when with me . I took her most places if she was well enough . She struggled so much but still wanted to come : I feel so saddened that her life was ended the way it was ... I am a busy mum of 3 and was not coping with the load of 3 kids and running a household on my own . I bought Macy her hot chicken and sausage rolls .. Took her everywhere but feel I didn't nurture her enough at the end :( On the day she left the kids were fighting in the back of the car . I hadn't had much time for her that day . I stopped at the park to give her some fresh air as she slept most of the day. When her weary body walked from the car her legs began to quiver . She could barely stand . I picked her up and put her back in the car . When I got home I took the children from the car . My husband pulled in so I asked him to get Macy . She must have been I so much pain :(. When my husband got to her she was collapsed . He brought her inside and I took her and lay her flat on her bed . I wrapped my jumper Around her,put her in the car and took her to the vet . This vet I valued . I had chosen him especially for her and knew he was the best for her . When he met her the last time he had Eskimo kissed her to the nose . I sat and waited so scared . I had a awful feeling . All of a sudden her body quivered .. I picked her up and she vomited :( The vet finally came . He took her from her bed and put her to the floor . He sat on the floor with his hed between his knees but eyes up just enough to see what Macy would do . She couldn't move . Not even to me . He said it wasn't good and that this was the beginning of her dying . I sobbed and I asked for his valued opinion . He said it was best to put her to sleep . I asked if I could wait until the morning and he said for her it's better now . I braced myself . Sat with her , cried and told her I loved her so so much .. I called the vet back .. Held her tight and he lay her to sleep .. She let out a cry I never had heard before. Esther . I feel so sad . Did I make the right decision ? Is she alright . She was never happy unless she was with me . I had her ash's returned today . She left me on Tuesday at 7pm . I haven't rested in days . I feel like part of me is missing and just need to know that she wasn't upset with me as I had such little time for her at the end . I was hoping you could pray for my Macy . Your prayers are so special ...
Please keep Clare in your prayers.


  1. You showed her love her whole life.. She knew it..By easing her passage to Rainbow Bridge you spared her more suffering. It is heartbreaking I know. But she is young and healthy running free again. She will be running to greet you one day. i will lift you up in prayer.

    1. Thank you so much . It means a lot . Thank you to Esther for all of my random questions to .

  2. I agree with the previous post - it is true. Macy lived for and loved you - as you did for her. You gave her a loving and full life - remember her as a healthy dog who loves you. That is the best way to honor her.

    Blessings and prayers at this difficult time. Macy is loving you from above.

    1. Oh I know . I just miss her so much .

  3. Replies
    1. I miss her more everyday . I wish I could have been led her one more time ����

  4. Please pray for the safe return of our dear cat Lucky. He has been gone for 3 days and the light of hope is growing dim. He is an older boy that never wondered far from home. He has limited hearing due to age and we pray that nothing bad has happened to him.

  5. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Lucky.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.