Friday, July 24, 2015

Prayer Request for Cleo the Cat

From Donna:
My precious kitty Cleo ran away 2 nights ago when it was raining. I'm in another town visiting and my husband wanted to bring our baby girl. We have been here with her since Saturday night and it's now Friday. She has never been outdoors before except on a leash in our yard back home. She is almost 3 yrs old but very small for her age. I'm so worried about her she is all I have besides my husband, she is like a daughter to me. I'm so worried because I saw 4 loose dogs running around in the neighborhood and my friends are the last house next to a park that has a lot of foxes! Please pray and send holy guardian angels to protect my little sweet angel Cleo, and guide her back to me and put people in her path to keep her safe until we are reunited. I know she must be so scared and alone. I will be devastated if she doesn't come back. Thank you so much Esther, God Bless you and thank you for your prayers that help pets and their families.

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