Friday, June 26, 2015

Prayer Request for Prec the Cat

From Joanne:
My cat Prec went out Sunday night and has not been back. Please pray for his return, if not that, please pray that he is at peace wherever he is.


  1. I live in a mobile home park. I got a blood clot in my leg this past fall. I wasn't paying as much attention to my kitty as usual( plus he wasn't neutered- my fault!) and he started running off for longer peroids. After a couple days he ran off altogether. I've been broken hearted for months. Also had to leave my home for several months. Going back home soon. I have A feeling that he isn't that far away! Lord, please help me find him after all these months. I know it's a long shot, but hoping anyway! I am going to post a flyer and reward! Please aim baby home! I promise to do a much better job this time! In Jesus's name. Amen.

  2. My kitty Moonlight ran off last October. He had been taking off on short trips. I developed a blood clot in my leg and he wasn't getting quality attention after that. Well as you might guess, he ran off altogether. I've been heartbroken ever since. I live in a mobile home park. I don't think he went far. Even though it's been a long time, I suspect there is a chance that I might find him. I'm going to post a flyer. I promise to do a much better job taking care of him if he should return. I have become an animal rights advocate during the time he has been gone. I know so much more know about adopting and keeping animals safe now. Lord, please help me find him and make it up to him because he means so much to me. In Jesus's name. Amen.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.