Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sad News - Otto the Cat

Earlier I received the following email From Christine:
Please send your healing intervention for my 12 year old cat OTTO. He has a tumor growing larger and pressing on his intestines which obstructs his bowels and causes him to vomit up his food. Plus the Vet claims he has kidney failure. I am being pressured to euthanize him WITHIN next day. I need MIRACLE HEALING for OTTO! I can't stop crying! Please intercede for him time is running out. My friend Maureen has him in her boarding kennel and wants to euthanize him now! I NEED A MIRACLE. Please help OTTO he needs a miracle healing now! In Jesus name i ask for your great intercession!
Later she emailed me that Otto was on his way to be euthanized.  Please keep Christine in your prayers.  She was suffering a major loss when this happened.

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