Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Prayer Request for Noel the Dog

From Donnie:
If possible, I’d like to submit a prayer request for my dog: Please pray for our dear dog Noel, she is a 10 year old chocolate lab who has a cancerous mass in her intestines which has returned a year after having a similar one removed. A chest x-ray prior to surgery revealed a mass in the lung as well. Please pray that the cancer is not as bad as what we think it may be at the moment, that she is cured of the current masses in her (via successful surgery), and that she does not experience any suffering and lives several more happy healthy years. Thank you so much for your prayers, Noel is our baby and still has so much life left in her. The sweetest little girl ever.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to submit a request for a prayer for my dog Austin. He has a swelling above his eye for sometime now. The vet has tried to remove the fluid and the swell is still there. Over the weekend, he has sneezed out some blood droplets and the vet is concerned that there might be a tumor. He is going to go through some investigative surgery in about 10 hours time. Please pray that whatever that is troubling him is treatable and not cancerous.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.