Monday, September 15, 2014

Urgent Prayer Request for Bear-Bear the Dog

"Bear-Bear and Little Bear"

From Audre:
My sweet, sweet precious girl, Bear-Bear is only 9 years old and is not doing well. I asked the Lord to let me have just one more birthday with her and He did. She turned 9 on September 4, 2014. I have had her since the day she was born. I inherited her mother when my ex-husband went to prison in the summer of 2005. Her mother, Recee was pregnant when I took her in. I already had a miniature schnauzer, a cat, and a bird and didn’t really want or need another pet. But Bear-Bear was afraid of humans and when adopting out the puppies she would not come out of the kennel so no one wanted her. For the first 3 months of her life she would only come out of the kennel to eat, drink, and go potty. She eventually became curious of Precious, my 4-year-old miniature schnauzer and K.C. (short for Kitty, my 10-year-old cat enough to venture out of her kennel for more than necessities. She was a very rambunctious, playful, and loving puppy once she came out of her shell and she drove Precious and K.C. to distraction. She got her name of Bear-Bear because as a puppy she looked just like a miniature grizzly bear...she was too cute. She has been a loyal, faithful, obedient, gentle, loving fur-baby, and companion for all of her life. She is a gift from God I didn’t know I needed. I am asking for prayers for her and for myself, that the Lord God would heal her completely. If this is not possible, because her time on earth has come to an end then I ask for our Heavenly Father to show us mercy and grace by taking her ever-so-gently from this earth to be with Him, peacefully while she sleeps. I have had to put down 2 beloved pets before, but I just cannot bring myself to walk that long and heart-wrenching road with Bear. And it breaks my heart to even think about her suffering or having a painful death, so I really need the Lord’s mercy and grace to endure her passing if this is her time. Bear-Bear has a half brother, Little Bear. His name and how he came to be is a long story, but he’s not little at Little Bear is 18 months her junior, they share the same mother, and he is also a gift from God I didn’t know I needed. Please include Little Bear in your prayers for us. Like his sister he too has been with me (and Bear-Bear) since birth on April 14, 2007. He will be at a loss and in grief without his sister, his friend, and his companion should the Lord decide it’s time for her to come home with Him. Thank you for letting me share a little bit of my precious Bear-Bear with you. God bless you for your sacrifice of prayer. Sincerely and in His love, Audre’ Mills PS Below is a picture of my babies taken by my daughter in the spring of 2008. It is the picture I cherish most of them together when they were both young, extremely playful, and inseparable. Bear-Bear is on the left and Little Bear is on the right.

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