Monday, March 3, 2014

Prayer Request for Booh the Puppy

From Carla:
Need prayers for our smallest baby girl. Our 10-year-old Rott/Shep mix, Booh, whom we have had since she was 10-weeks old, is sick. She has not eaten since LAST Monday and despite all our efforts has refused to eat even momma's homemade chicken and rice. We have managed to force feed her NutriCal gel for the past few days just to keep some nutrients in her body, but she is now getting dehydrated and not doing well. Xrays thankfully showed NO tumors, No displaced organs, but her stomach is inflamed. Blood work did not confirm but we are hoping it is pancreatitis, which is treatable. She is staying overnight tonight at C. Animal Hospital where they are going to give her IV's and inject medications to help with inflammation and help her tummy get back to normal. Please pray for our little girl. She has been the light of our lives for 10 years and we need her back home and healthy for a long time to come.

1 comment:

  1. For Carla's precious Booh, all my prayers are on the way! Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Roch, St. Jude, St. Anthony, please in your mercy hold Booh in your healing loving embrace, comfort and heal him, and may he be home very soon with his family who loves him so.


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