Monday, February 10, 2014

Prayer Request for Brutus the Dog

From Deanna:
Please asking for prayers for my big ole pal Brutus,he is a 12 yr old choc lab. He has had no major problem until about a month ago,he started coughing,he would gag&gag,then some watery fluid would come out while coughing. The vet thinks it inflamation due to bronchitis,he gave him a steriod shot,antibiotics and steriods for home! I have not missed any. He just seems to have a worse cough now?! I just love my big old boy so much! Please keep him in your prayers that he can get to feeling better,so he can stay with me as long as he can! His daddy gave him to me 12 us ago,sadly his daddy passed away about 6 years ago! So my Brutus is our boy!! He has brought me so much happiness!!i love my big pal!! So someone,anyone, please keep Brutus in your prayers for healing! All we need is two prayers,the good Lord knows!! I thank any and all for prayers and thoughts for my big ole boy!!! May gods bless you all... LORD,please hear my prayer about my sweet Brutus,please keep him comfortable,please heal him just so I can have him a little longer!!! I know you know of my hard times,but,I do trust you,I always know who to come for!! But also to thank you for what is good!! Thank you,I love you my father,keep us and bless our pup Brutus. In your most wonderful name I know.......Amen.......

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