Friday, January 31, 2014

Prayer Request for Suzanne's Dogs

Thank-you for the wonderful website & all the links - am learning & reading often.
My pets are doing well , thanks to all the prayers.
We live in cape topwn s africa.
The household is a  bit stressful .
One problem we are having - sometimes, usually evenings or afternoons - 1 or both dogs sort of stumble or hobble/limp for 1 moment .I am sure some psycho-bully is using powers to create further scenes & cause my old parents to start shouting about euthanasia & vets & whatever.
am absolutely absolutely sure this is the case .
Please pray that the 2 dogs will stop this 'limping' - it stopped last time & just re-started few days ago.
It is stressful having old & young relatives & others who are demented or bullies/punks ....all the pets & me have special help already. some relatives are focused to get the dogs euthanased & I am having problems because of this.
All the other ailments of the dogs long ago I emailed - they are slightly healed . 1 dog red  -here pre-cataracts went within 2 days of the email request  -sometimes her eyes get bit cloudy again if certain people are around who seem to draw on animals when the the old people lose their sight . such bad elderlies are very dangerous & create havoc.
Thru your webs I found other prayer links to add & e.g. the other dog Jigme - his swellings went down faster after this - but the swellings/lymphomas are still there.& 2  or more little lumps ; & a severed saliva duct - still  a bit of a fold in the neck - hope the duct has sealed itself together & the last neck swelling will go away. the other swellings are lymphomas around the front right leg - outside & in the 'armpit'.  these were caused by accidental overdose of herbal wormwood tincture as he has copraphobia - wormwood is very poisonous in larger doses.
 the other little lumps were from tick bites.
Anyway - please pray the most recent problem  - the strange hobble-stumble when he or she gets up from lying down .

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