Thursday, December 12, 2013

Special Prayer Request

Please pray for this owner:
In less than 4 hours i'm taking my baby girl into the vets to be put to sleep. she is suffering and fighting to stay with me. I can't bear to watch her any longer. I just want to make sure she will be warm, safe and happy. this is so difficult.


  1. I am so sorry to be late logging in, but my prayers are so very much with this kind and gentle person whose heart must be in tatters at having to say an earthly goodbye to their "baby girl".
    God Bless you and may the Holy Angels and Saints hold you in their comforting embrace at this very difficult time.
    Your "baby girl" knows your love and devotion, and she will remain with you in spirit until you both meet again.
    Peace and hugs to you, and may your baby girl rest in eternal peace and know every joy of Heaven.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your baby girl. May the comfort of my prayer be with the both you during this time.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.