Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Prayer Request for Horses

From Suzanne:
thank-you for all the prayers. please pray for some working horses nearby , have skin ailments like excema & mane & tail out - please pray the painful skin ailmentas will soon go away & not need / be set up for antibiotics iontments etc every yr after yr ....may the prayers heal the horses & their hair-skin problems & face rash . & in our hot summer please hope the flies will be less painful & less in number this yr. all very best wishes & thanks

1 comment:

  1. For these precious horses near Suzanna, and for all the horses, burros, donkeys, and mules on this earth, especially those in need of care, warmth, love, shelter. Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Francis, and the Holy Family, please hold them in your loving, comforting, healing embrace.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.