Thursday, November 7, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Pedro and Floyd the Cats

From Pat:
I hope you are well. I am writing to introduce myself as just posted a prayer request on your blog but was only able to sign up anonymously. My name is Patricia , I am a catholic lady who has recently immigrated to New Zealand from the UK. I left my cats with a friend while I was getting settled. I finally sent for them having resolved housing and immigration issues. Only to be told that my beloved Pedro and Floyd are very sick with cat flu. Pedro is at the vets at the moment and may need to have his eyes removed, Floyd is not yet as poorly. There has even been a mention of putting Pedro down. My boys are 3yrs old ginger brothers. I loved them very much, they have been with me since they were 10 weeks old. I spent the past night praying and asking for God’s mercy. While surfing the internet looking for prayers and a patron saint of cats I found your blog. I felt comforted reading the prayers and prayer request. Can I kindly ask you and the people on your blog to pray for my two boys? Thank you so much. Blessings

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Pat . . . . I am so glad that you discovered Esther's most special site here, and I know I can speak for everyone that many prayers will be headed your way, including my own, for your precious Pedro and Floyd, and you, too!!
    Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Anthony, St. Gertrude, St. Jude, St. Francis, St. Benedict, and St. Rita, please in your mercy take Floyd and Pedro into your healing comforting embrace. Please lay your healing touch upon these precious boys, restore their health and strength, and please in your mercy allow them to be safely reunited with their human mama, Pat, who loves them so.
    Pat, be assured my prayers join yours. Where there is prayer, there is hope! God Bless you, I can't imagine how your heart is breaking.
    Please keep us or Esther posted as you can. Many prayers on the way!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.