Saturday, November 16, 2013

Prayer Requests for Susie's Pets

From Susie:
I have Prayer request,but do not have pics for Chancie or General is one with tumor on rib cage . I have one 4 legged baby Chancie who has a bad cough that won't go away now,she has went thru one RX from the vet she got better .Now the upper resp.infection (she gets one about 2 X a year ,maybe 3) it is coming back on her,so i made her a vet appt.for next week Then Spunky the one who has early signs of kidney failure & more,she is getting worse,she has to go back for a vet week. Next is Trouble ( have not gotten her lab test back yet) she is doing ok so far,she goes back to vet next week. And I have yet a 4th 12 yr old dog who has a tumor on the side of his rib cage,he is vomiting more & the tumor is growing on him. Not sure when he will be able to go.He is an inside dog,so that is better on him. tyvm,God Bless

1 comment:

  1. For Susie's pets, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Francis, St. Martin, please in your mercy hold Susie and all her precious pets in your healing comforting embrace. Bless Susie for her care and devotion and may all her pets know comfort and peace.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.