Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sad News - Ai the Dog

From Cindy:
Can everyone pray for my precious baby dog Ai, who died on 10/4/2013. She was only 5 years old and because of the negligence of this emergency vet who didn't want to treat her because I didn't have $2500 up-front to put down payment, even though I told them I'd be back in the morning with the money, she died. Can everyone help me pray to ensure she's okay in God's hands right now until I get there. I miss her so much. Can't stop crying. thank you,
Please pray for Cindy.


  1. Cindy, my heart breaks for your news of Ai, I am so very sorry and holding you in my heart. Please be assured of my prayers for your precious Ai, may the Holy Angels have carried her Home and Perpetual Light shines upon her until you two are reunited again. I think you can be assured Ai is very much in a very good place, God would not have it any other way. It is here on earth where the pain is so very difficult for us having to say goodbye.
    Peace, hugs, and prayers to you, Cindy. Your Ai will always be with you.

  2. Cindy I am so sorry for your loss. Please be sure that Ai is at peace and is happy. She'll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  3. I am so very sorry Cindy. You certainly did your best by Ali and she will be waiting for you in heaven...that will be such a happy day! She was blessed to have you for a Mom. May God bring you peace.


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