Monday, September 9, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Kauai the Cat

From Lou:
A dear friend in North Carolina, her "grandkitty", KAUAI became critically ill Friday, was not expected to live, particularly through a six hour very touch and go critical surgery Friday night. Kauai has made it through the surgery and truly fighting. The vet says if she continues at this rate may even be able to be discharged to home soon. The family is so very appreciative of prayers for Kauai. I assured them I would post you immediately for a PFOP prayer request.


  1. Special thanks to everyone who send prayers and positive thoughts along for my friend's grandkitty, KAUAI! Kauai came through a very long and critical surgery, completely amazed her veterinary team by being able to be up and eat a bit the very next day, and she is now back home with her family and fellow feline pal to recuperate!! Kauai remains on antibiotics and pain meds., and has lost a great deal of weight, but doing very well. Your prayers are so very appreciated! Many thanks to all!!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.