Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Starbright the Dog

From Jaki:
Dearest PFOP ~ I want to share this with you and PFOP community. There is a very concerning one of the neighbor dog. I do not know his name. I never knew his name at all. I called him StarBright. It's all about Hope for him. His shining eyes showed that all is lost hope. He has been neglected and abused. He is all alone under the shed and is chained up. The couple does not care about him at all, it was horribly watching him living this way. He hiding under the shed hasn't comes out much. That this has us concerning the way he's living due to all the rain and hot sun searing high up in the high temp. We have a very super wet rain everyday. He has a very black jet coat which is way too hot for him being out in the sun. He has no one to play with dogs , petting him or needing attention or need alot of love. Nothing !! His pets owner dumped dry food on the very wet grass along eating what was left on the grass and soil !! And letting the rain filled up in his bucket along with misquitos babies in it or some flies. That is not good for his health. He may have a postive HW. Please pray for Starbright and help getting SB for a wonderfully forever home. I prayed that the right and the best peoplel stepping up and rescues Starbright in time before fall season approaching. he truly need get out of the gravely stituation. Please pray saves StarBrght's life. He truly needs alll your help and your prayer. pray for people and rescuers comes and saves Starbright in time this week anything possible !! It's truly a heartbreaking watching the way the pet owners mistreated SB in a horribly way. All im saying is please everyone comes to pray together for Starbright. Pray for help getting rescuers and people rescues and saves Starbright's life in this very now. Thank you

1 comment:

  1. My many many prayers, too.
    St. Jude, St. Roch, St. Francis, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Martin, St. Anthony, St. Benedict, and Our Lady, please in your mercy, please please help this dog, Starbright, your intercessions are so very needed.
    This crushes my heart in a thousand pieces and difficult to say more, but I certainly join everyone here in prayers, many many prayers.
    Bless you Jaki for caring and letting us know.


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