Monday, July 29, 2013

Urgent Prayer Request for Griffin the Dog

From comment section:
I am so amazed to find you at this time of need for my little 3 yr. old Pekingnese Poodle mix who ruptured discs in his back - had surgery 1 week ago- has a spinal cord bruising . He is still in the hospital at UC Davis and we are hoping he will be able to heal and walk again. Right now he is paralyzed. Thank you for interceding in his behalf. His name is Griffin.


  1. Welcome! I'm so glad you found us so we can comfort and help you.

    Prayers are on the way, for Griffin, his vets, you and your family! Please, keep us posted, ok?

  2. All my prayers on the way for Griffin, too, God Bless him and you!!
    Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Jude, St. Roch, St. Francis, please in your mercy intercede on behalf of precious Griffin. Take him into your loving, healing, comforting embrace. We trust in you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.