Saturday, December 1, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for BaileighJo the Puppy

From Rose of Sharon:  It has been four long days and nights since our sweet pup BaileighJo became missing from our yard. She was secure on her line for not longer than five minutes, and poof she was gone. We have been searching daily, over 600 posters placed in shops, churches, and mailboxes. 
"Jozie" is my daughter's pet. Earlier this month she had to accept the loss of her 20 year old companion cat SugarPlum. But now it is only a few weeks since she had to say goodbye to "SugSugs" and Jozie has vanished. Not one person has called with even so much as a sighting. 
I have been praying through out the days through tears to God the Father, Mother Mary pleading as a mother to a mother, St Francis of Assissi to keep her safe from harm, and St Anthony for baileighJo to find her way to us and for us to find our way to her. 
Please help us pray to St Anthony for the safe finding of BaileighJo by us for our daughter Annelore. May he find this too much for Annelore to bear, and grant her the answer to our prayers. 


  1. Praying right now for BaileighJo to return to her loving family in the arms of the Good Shepard. Peace to all of you during this difficult time.

  2. Dear Lord, please watch over BaileighJo, a much loved and missed puppy.

    Please keep BaileighJo safe from any harm and well in body and spirit and guide her back home to Annelore who misses and loves her so very much.
    Thank You, Lord.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you for your missing pup.

    God bless you all.

  3. For precious BaileighJo, Holy St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Roch, St. Francis, Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, St. Martin, St. Rita, and Our Lady, please in your mercy we humbly beg your intercession. Please assist in locating BaileighJo, watch over and protect her, and guide her safely home to Annelore who is desperately missing her beloved Jozie.
    Please come to the aid of this precious family as they are also mourning the loss of Annelore's SugarPlum, and now are frantic for your aid for BaileighJo's safe return.
    Be assured of my prayers, too, God Bless you!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.