Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Lucy the Cat and her owner

From comment section:
Your prayers are appreciated for 10 year old Lucy, a beautiful long haired tortoise shell kitty and the love of my life. She is experiencing renal failure and I have to put her to sleep today. She is the love of my life and has gotten me through Many tough times. I don't know how I personally am going to get through it. I am asking Gos to give me peAce during the event so that I can soothe her instead of making it more stressful and I am praying that she will cooperate, not struggle and go peacefully and that God will have an angel waiting for her. Thank you all.


  1. For precious Lucy and her owner, God Bless you. I just saw your post and please know my heart is with yours this night, and I am praying that your precious Lucy was indeed carried directly to Heaven in the arms of the angels.
    I am so very sorry you had to give this earthly goodbye, but Lucy knows all your love for her and I believe she will find a very special way to stay with you in spirit until you both meet again. Give her time to 'settle in' up there, and may Lucy know every joy of Heaven, and Perpetual Light shine upon her . . . I know it's so very hard . . these earthly goodbyes, but do remember that Lucy is not gone - she is truly just on 'the other side'. My Dad passed away exactly five years ago today and tonight I have asked him to please take your Lucy upon his lap so that she will have a friend there her very first night. Peace to you and God Bless your Lucy.

  2. Dear Lord, please hold much loved Lucy the Cat's earthly family close in Your embrace during this most difficult of times; comfort and sooth them please. Thank You, Lord.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you Lucy and family.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.