Saturday, May 19, 2012

Message Regarding Prayer Requests

Dear Friends of this blog: Although I am able to read all messages and prayer requests for the pets in need, I may not be able to post the requests or reply to the requests for prayers right away. However, please know that I along with all the prayer warriors are praying for ALL the pets who need prayers and their owners. Mahalo for understanding. God bless, Esther


  1. Count on my ongoing prayers always, Esther, for all the pets in need (even those we're not even aware of). So much love for all of them! I check in as often as possible to see if any new requests have been posted, but you and everyone can be assured I keep the prayers going always for all of them! :)

  2. Hi Esther,

    A second to Lou Ann. I do include the prayer requests each day. It certainly is a lot for you or anyone to keep up with. You have freely given of your time to benefit countless creatures of God and their families.

    Maybe you could keep your post of yours at the top of the is a good reminder for all of us. :)

    God bless you!

  3. Lou Ann and Kristina, thank you my dear friends!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.