Monday, February 27, 2012

Prayer Request for an Elderly Pet Cat

From Gina:
My family's precision 17 year old petite white calico cat wondered off last week. We love her dearly and am afraid for her. My three children believe she will just appear at some point. I have been prayer for that but need some extra help. I know that miracles happen everyday and hope that one will be granted to me. I feel so very blessed but love my animals and have had her for so long.

Thank you so very much,

1 comment:

  1. For Gina and your most precious pet cat . . . . I wonder if you might tell us her name . . . . St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Francis, and St. Martin, please direct the holy angels through your miraculous intercession to locate your precious girl, watch over and protect her, and guide her safely home to her loving family.
    Be sure to know many prayers are on the way, God Bless you!


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