Thursday, January 26, 2012

Urgent Prayer Request for Bobby the Dog

From Susan:
We just adopted a 2 y/o dog from a animal rescue in our area. He was a stray and they rescued him from a shelter. We love him so much. But I need your prayers cause he has a anger him that we need a trainer to help us out with that. So we wouldn't want to get rid of him if this doesn't work. St. Francis of Assisi. Please hear my prayers that Bobby will get better. My tears are hurting, for the love I have for Bobby. He is ShihTzu/ Poodle Mix. Please help us & him.

1 comment:

  1. For Susan's Bobby - God bless him and God bless you and your family, Susan, for giving Bobby a home.
    Only God knows what Bobby may have experienced and even though he now has a home of love it's likely very difficult to be completely free of his past experiences - almost a post-traumatic type picture.
    St. Jude, St. Roch, St. Martin, St. Francis, and Blessed Francis Seelos, please, please take Bobby into your loving, comforting arms, allow him to know that his new family wants only to love and please him and make it safe for him to let go of whatever hurts and anger he carries with him, give him peace and please bless Susan and her family.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.