Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sad News - Roonie the Dog

A while back you prayed for my brother's dog Roonie. Today, he told me his beloved little dog, a dachshund, died. Please say a prayer for my brother and his family. They are heartbroken. Thank you!


  1. God Bless you, dear Roonie, may you know every joy of Heaven and Perpetual Light shine upon you. And may Our Holy Family and the angels be present to Roonie's human family and comfort them in their sorrow. May their memories sustain them at this difficult time.

  2. Dear Lord and Comforter, please hold Roonie the Dog's family close and give them comfort and ease as they mourn the death of their beloved pet. Bless you, so sorry for your loss of Roonie.

  3. So sorry to hear this very sad news... Sending loving prayers to Ronnie the dog and your brother. Hope he finds comfort in this tough time.

    God Bless!!!

  4. Thank you very much! My sister in law did read your comments. God bless.

  5. God Bless you and thank you so much for sharing dear Roonie's photo with Esther and for us prayer warriors.
    May the holy angels be remaining present with your brother in this very difficult time of sorrow; and may Roonie know every joy of Heaven.

    I firmly believe with all my heart that because Roonie knew so very much love from his loyal companion, your brother, he will find his own special way to "message" your brother from Heaven. Roonie will never leave him.

    I had the pleasure of knowing two very loyal sweet doxies who have also since crossed over to Heaven, I have 'asked' them to look out for your Roonie.

    God Bless you!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.