Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sad News - Droopie the Dog

From Vivi:
Droopie has passed away. Thanks everyone for your prayers. At least she's no longer suffering.. Thank you Lord for bringing her into my life.


  1. I'm so sorry to see that Droopie has passed on, Vivi. Dear Lord,thank You for the blessing of Droopie, hold her close and please wrap your comforting arms around Vivi and she mourns the loss of her much loved fur-friend; thank You.

  2. Viv<
    So sorry to hear about your percious Droopey.Know that he now is in the loving arms of jesus. and no longer suffering. Know that all my prayers and thoughts are with you at this diffuclt time
    God bless you

  3. Thank you for your prayers. (:

  4. Dearest Vivi, my sincere condolences about your beloved Droopie, I am so very sorry. While we know your Droopie now has her own very special place in Heaven where she will wait for you, I know the loss of her earthly presence is so very difficult. Hugs to you and God Bless Droopie and may perpetual light shine upon her.


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