Monday, January 2, 2012

Prayer Request for Ryder the Cat

From the comment section:
Our 1 year old cat got out this morning ... he has done it once befor but returned at dawn. Today was different in that he didn't return. our daughter feels guilty in that we think he snuck by her when she was letting in the dog who was outside at the time. His name is Ryder and he is missed very much! Please pray for his safe return and pray for our daughter to help ease her pain. Thank you!


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over Ryder the Cat, keep him safe and well and guide him home to his family. Please comfort the daughter of Ryder's family and let her know and understand that Ryder slipping out the door is not her fault. Kitties can be pretty sneaky and slippery when they are bound and determined to 'explore the great outdoors'. Guide Ryder home, thank You.

  2. Dear Lord, we ask that you bring Ryder the cat back home safe as his owner are worried sick...Praying for her owner's daughter that it's not her fault and hopes that Ryder is in no harms way. Please update us for his return. God Bless!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.