Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Prayer Request for Jack the Cat

From Caroline:
Please pray for my cat Jack. He is getting attacked very badly by my neighbour's cat and he is not a cat that will stay indoors. I really don't know what to do about it. He has had a nose injury and it seems they know he has a weak nose, so he is coming home with less and less nose every day :( I'm so upset about it but just have no solution.


  1. For Caroline's Jack, bless his sweet heart, poor boy, and you - this has to be so truly upsetting.
    St. Gertrude, St. Jude, and St. Anthony, Blessed Francis Seelos, and St. Martin, please please intervene on behalf of Jack - please heal his current injuries and please intervene to protect Jack from the other bully cat(s).
    If the other cat is coming into your yard perhaps something can be done . . . could you speak to your neighbor and explain what is happening, . . . . I don't know exactly how to handle something like this. If poor Jack could put on his boxing gloves . . . . but we do know the power of prayer and will certainly remember Jack's special intention in all my prayers. Perhaps another prayer warrior may have a suggestion for you.

  2. Bless you, Caroline. May the Lord watch over Jack the Cat, keeping him safe and well and out of harm's way of his attacker. Thank You, Lord.

  3. Please pray for my kitty maui to come home. He is my best friend- i tell him that every day. I found him in the street six years ago. He was too malnourished to move. When i picked him up, he began to purr a beautiful purr that has stayed with him ever since. He went out the back door tonight and my other kitty came back- maui did not. I just want my angel back. It's cold and he is just a little cat. My heart is shattered.

  4. A prayer request has been posted for Maui. We are praying.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.