Thursday, January 12, 2012


(To make a Novena for a sick pet, say this prayer for 9 consecutive days)

Heavenly Father, our human ties with our friends of other species is
wonderful and special gift from You. We now ask You to grant our
special animal companions your Fatherly care and healing power to
take away any suffering they have. Give us, their human friends,
new understanding of our responsibilities to these creatures of
Yours. They have trust in us as we have in You; our souls and
theirs are on this earth together to give one another friendship,
affection, and caring. Take our heartfelt prayers and fill Your ill
or suffering animals with healing Light and strength to overcome
whatever weakness of body they have.

(Here mention the names of the animals needing prayer).

Your goodness is turned upon every living thing and Your grace flows
to all Your creatures. From our souls to theirs goodness flows,
touching each of us with the reflection of Your love. Grant to our
special animal companions long and healthy lives. Give them good
relationships with us, and if You see fit to take them from us, help
us to understand that they are not gone from us, but only drawing
closer to You. Grant our prayer through the intercession of good
St. Francis of Assisi, who honored You through all Your creatures.
Give him the power to watch over our animal friends until they are
safely with You in eternity, where we someday hope to join them in
giving You honor forever. Amen.


  1. Please keep my pet cats in prayers for quick recovery, Charlie, Squeeky, Miss Kitty and Sugar..they been sick with a bad cold and respiratory problems..

  2. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for all your cats.

    1. Please pray for my cat Snuggles, who is terminal with liver cancer and I must put down today. I tried everything to help her, including taking her to the emergency room on Wednesday,7/20. This is truly a horrible day, as I have had her as my dear pet for twelve years.

  3. Our dog, Shamcey, is in serious health condition right now. Please include her safety and fast recovery in your prayers.

  4. Carla, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for your Shamcey.

  5. Please pray for my sister's pet cat, Browny. She has been constipated for several days and has become listless. My sister took her to the vet who has put her on some medicines. He hopes the medicine will work or else she will93265 have to undergo surgery. She is too weak to undergo any sort of surgery. Kindly pray for her complete recovery. Thanks for your prayers.

  6. Florette, an urgent prayer request has been posted for Browny's speedy recovery. BTW, you may to do a search and ask your vet if you can give Browny mineral oil to help with the constipation problem.

  7. Please pray for my friend's dog, Digger. He has been diagnosed with cancer. He is the sweetest dog.

  8. Andie, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Digger.

  9. Please pray for my beloved pet, maxi. He is confined right now. He is in serious health condition right now. He suffered from a head injury after falling down when my brother carried him. I kept on praying for him. Our whole family loves him so much. He is considered as part of the family. Please pray for his speedy recovery, and I wish and I hope, she will return back to the "normal him", the healthy dog we used to know. Thank you for prayers. It would be such a big help.

  10. Dear Kat:
    I posted an urgent prayer request earlier but forgot to let you know. We are praying!

  11. Please pray to Fr Seelos, St Therese, St Francis and St Gertrude that the medication my vet prescribed for my dear cat Phoebe works and gives her some relief and improves her health. We love her so much and would be eternally grateful for your loving prayers for intercession.

  12. I just posted a prayer request for Phoebe. We are praying!

  13. Pls pray for the healing of our pet nano thank you St. Francis, St. Anthony please heal him

  14. Pls pray for our pet nano for his health thank you

  15. Aloha, a prayer request has been posted for Nano. We are praying for him.

  16. Please include our pet cat, Garfield, in your prayers. Help me pray for his fast recovery. He's seriously ill right now. I pray he gets well immediately. Please help me pray for Garfield.

  17. Please, help me pray for Garfield's fast recovery. He's our pet cat and very ill right now. Please pray for him. Thank you.

  18. I just posted a prayer request for Garfield. We are praying!

  19. PLease pray for my dog, Rocky he is 11 years old and has hip dysplagia and arthritis. He is on medication but it doesn,t work. I love him very much and i want him to get well. Thank you Rosalie Young watertown new york

  20. Rosalie, a prayer request was just posted. We are praying for Rocky.

  21. My beloved cat, Shadow, is in very poor health due to kidney and liver problems. I ask for any prayers that he may regain his health and give me more days of his companionship. I thank you all. Kevin

  22. Kevin, we are praying for Shadow.

  23. Hi my Cat Baby,

    is suffering from an illness and she is the last last and only companion on earth I have left residing with me. My Heart is hurting and I ask for the Prayers of all who will pray on her behalf for healing and strength.

    Thank you all Jesus Loves You and so do I!

  24. Hi,

    Please pray for my cat Baby, she is the only companion I have left on earth. She is ill and I am praying for the Lord God to heal here body of all sickness, disease and illness.

    I asking for the Saints to God to assist me in prayer for her Quick and miraculous recovery. Thank you, Kim

  25. Kim, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Baby.

  26. Dear Lord Jesus, in Your awesome Name for the sake of Saint Getrude the patroness of cats and Saint Anthony of Padua, our family's patron saint, please bring Buckly the valiant Tabby cat home to us in one piece alive and well this weekend.


  27. Trimelda, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Buckly's safe return home.

  28. Please pray for my 12 year old boxer. Mackie is a sweet, gentle soul and has given so much love. Yesterday we found out he has a tumor on his heart. Please pray he can hang in there until our son can come home from FL on Monday to say goodbye.

  29. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mackie!

  30. Please pray for my beloved Cotton, she is at the OSU Emergency Vet Hospital with fluid in her abdomen, they are doing tests and have no news yet. This could be a serious condition, she is my best friend. Thank you Jan

  31. Your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Cotton.

  32. Please pray for our Kenzo. He is very sick. He has a very bad liver and vet doesn't give much hope. I know with all the prayers he will live, cause he is our sunshine. I'm a believer. Thank you so much. Margie

  33. Margie, prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Kenzo.

  34. Please pray for our little guy "Buddie" our Bichon. He has been very sick since Thanksgiving and the treatment and medicines are not working. Vets cannot figure out what is the cause. I hope and pray for his recovery. Thank you so much.

  35. Carmella, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Buddy's speedy recovery.

  36. Please pray for Murphy, that he is able to make a full recovery. Please ask for his blood test results to come back Okay. Thank you.

  37. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Murphy.

  38. Please pray for my dog Kinako. She has been suffering from pain and recurring sores on her hips due to me accidentally running her over 4 years ago.

  39. Please pray for my dog Ginger...she been trying to fight off a severe bacterial infection for the past week with many trips to the vet but to no avail..she is my little sunshine girl..I love her so much and hate to see her this way :(

  40. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Ginger's speedy recovery.

  41. Please pray for Misha, my 4 year old cat. She has been urinating blood and this morning she was running a fever and was not eating. It's a kidney stone....we are hoping it can be cured/passed with medication, because the operation is expensive...and its expensive; we might have to put her down if thats the case and I dont want that; yet I dont want her to suffer. Please pray for her! She's only 4 years old and was my 16th birthday present.

  42. Your prayer request has been posted, Bethany. We are praying for Misha.

  43. Please pray for my two cats, Arthur and Andrew. They are in the emergency room for ingesting one of the most Poisonous flowers to cats; The orange day lily. Please pray for their little bodies to overcome kidney failure, return to healthy functioning, and speedy recovery together. They are bonded souls, who would rather perish than be separated for any reason. Thank you for sending any positive healing to these innocent brothers.

  44. An urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  45. Please pray for my white male kitty with blue eyes, named Bailey's. Thank you, Melvina Julian

  46. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Bailey.

  47. Please pray for my dog, he is currently paralyzed. If he doesn't heal, we will have to put him down. His name is Diesel

  48. Posting an urgent prayer request right away. We are praying for Diesel.

  49. Please pray for my 6 month old puppy Mickey to get well and be the happy puppy he once was. . He is not eating and is vomiting. I think it may be Parvo. We have gone through this before and it is devastating. He had his shots. I do not have avy money to take him to the vet. We love him so much! Thank you!

  50. Your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mickey.

  51. I just found out my dog Joey has either bone cancer or arthritis. The vet does not have hope for his recovery but I believe in miracles. Please keep Joey in your prayers. Thank you so much.

  52. Linda, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Joey.

  53. Please pray for my 12yr JRT, Buddy....he could be diagnosed with lymphoma..i will find out tuesday..pls let it be just a bad infection. I'm not able to have children he and his mom are my children

  54. You're prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Buddy.

  55. Please pray for Cici. She had surgery and her heart stopped. She was not breathing. Doctors brought her back but she is now blind and deaf. She has a possibility of recovery. The doctor said give it time. We love her so much. Please pray for Cici Kitty.

  56. Peggy, your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Cici!

  57. Please pray for Robin. She is my friend Scott's 12 yo kitty cat who came down with a bad infection and is now under veterinary care. Robin was also recently diagnosed with diabetes. Please help us pray for a full recovery for Robin♥

  58. Vicky, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Robin.

  59. My Marshall who was as healthy as any healthy Cat has come down with a unknown illness he is in ICU with not a very good response care and medicine. He like his brother who is presently healthy is so precious to us. He is rather young at 8 years old. He means so much to us this hurts so badly I cannot describe the pain of possibly losing him at this time. I am not religious but have come to the point of desperation and myself have prayed being brought up Catholic. It sure is different with myself getting older how we change. I love my Marshall so much. I can no longer see the screen as these tears do not want to stop. Thank You

  60. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Marshall. God bless.

  61. Please pray for our dog Thor hes a chocolate lab who is in a critical condition. Hes bleeding out inside and is getting a blood transfusion. Also they think he might have cancer in his spleen. All his lab values are critical. Hes a very loyal loving dog he is a part of our family. We love him very dearly.
    Thank you.

  62. Heather, your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Thor.

  63. Mortimer, a 3 yr old Basset Hound developed Pancreatitis and is extremely ill! Now at hospital with IV, feeding tube and he needs prayers. Please help with your prayers for him and his mom (my very good friend) who is so worried about him. Thank you so much for your prayers!

  64. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Mortimer.

  65. Please pray for my beloved cat Jasper... May his eyes continue to improve. May he remain in your loving hands till You will him to return home.
    Thank you for the gift of his friendship and love.
    Thanks. Reena and Jasper.

  66. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Jasper.

  67. Please pray for my dog hachiko and blair, for them to survive the desease of canine distemper. My other dog schatz died yesterday. Im praying that they wont end up like my other dog. Please st. francis of asisi help my loving dog to survive, give them good health and longer life. I love my dog so much i promise i will take good care of them more. Amen

  68. Please pray for my moms cat, Seth. He hasn't been eating or going to the bathroom. Took him to the vet and his liver isn't good. Depending on the results of his bloodwork, she may have to put him down. He is only nine years old and he has helped her through a lot. I'm hoping that what the bloodwork shows is something treatable.

  69. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Seth.

  70. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Seth.

  71. Please pray for my cat Bruce. I found him when he was 1 week old and have been in love ever since. He has had several surgeries to have tumors removed and now suffers from mega colon. He takes a stool softener as needed but now he is having more and more difficulties going to the restroom. He strains and I know this is very painful for him. He is 8 years old and cant imagine life without this sweet baby. Please pray for my Bruce.

  72. Stacey, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Bruce.

  73. Please saint Francis watch over Angel my weimaran help ger with her illness and keep her healthy and safe . Thank you x

  74. Please pray for Angel she been having alot of fits hypo Praying fitz stop a b d her diaetes can be controlled successfully. X

  75. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  76. Thank you for praying for angel my dog x

  77. Blessed St Francis,
    I went to see you twice at Real De Catorce. Please hear my prayers. Please bless my dog Havoc. She suffered silently through my depression with unwavering love. She was with me when I had nothing and no where to go. Please pray that she is healed or that she goes without suffering. Blessed Jesus thank you with all my heart for sending me my friend.

  78. We are praying for both Havoc and for you too. Your prayer request has been posted.

  79. Our dog only 6 months old got run over by a car as we left for our honeymoon. When we got the call about our dog, we turned back and cancelled our honeymoon. Her lungs were badly damaged with internal bleeding and two days later our vet told us that she is blind and might see or not. I ask for prayers so that if its Gods will, she will heal and be able to see again.

  80. Your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying!

  81. Please pray for my beloved dog Misha, she's 5 now and her liver is in very bad condition. That was discovered today at surgery. God's name be praised for His miracles, which he does.

    Thank you for your prayers.

  82. Please pray for my beloved best friend Misha, her liver is in very bad condition, which was discovered today at surgery. God's name be praised for all His miracles!

    Thank for your prayers.

  83. Please pray for my beloved best friend Misha, her liver is in very bad condition, which was discovered today at surgery. God's name be praised for all His miracles!

    Thank for your prayers.

  84. Please pray for my beloved best friend Misha, her liver is in very bad condition, which was discovered today at surgery. God's name be praised for all His miracles!

    Thank for your prayers.

  85. Please pray for my beloved best friend Misha, her liver is in very bad condition, which was discovered today at surgery. God's name be praised for all His miracles!

    Thank for your prayers.

  86. Please pray for my beloved best friend Misha, her liver is in very bad condition, which was discovered today at surgery. God's name be praised for all His miracles!

    Thank for your prayers.

  87. Please pray for my beloved best friend Misha, her liver is in very bad condition, which was discovered today at surgery. God's name be praised for all His miracles!

    Thanks for your prayers, be blessed.

  88. Please pray for my son's cat JaiJai. He is a gray cat, only 3 years old. My son lives in another city and entrusted me with JaiJai. I tried to keep him inside, but he cried to go outside. He snuck out and then began going out on a regular basis. Unfortunately one day he did not come back and I have not been able to find him. I believe with all my heart that he is alive, but can't find his way home. Please pray for him, that he is safe and will find his way home. My son just came hear for a visit and I pray that they are reunited. Thank you.

  89. Please pray for my son's gray cat JaiJai. He is missing and I pray he finds his way back home. My son trusted me to take care of his cat and I have let him down. My son is back home now and I pray they are reunited. Prayers for his safe return are greatly appreciated.

  90. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  91. Please pray for my dear 9.5 year old chocolate lab, Noel. She is a part of our family and my wife and I consider her our first child. She had to have a mass removed from her intestine and underwent the surgery several days ago. Along with praying for her continued recovery and to get back to her normal self again, please, please pray for the mass to be benign. We are awaiting the results of the pathology report and are still hoping that it is somehow benign. I pray that it is. Thank you so much.

  92. Donnie, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  93. Please pray for our sweet Shih-Tzu, Buddy. He has a liver shunt and is very, very ill. Thank you!

  94. Your prayer request has been posted. we are praying for Buddy.

  95. Your prayer request has been posted. we are praying for Buddy.

  96. Your prayer request has been posted. we are praying for Buddy.

  97. Please pray for my friend's beautiful happy go lucky white german shepherd, Abby. She is diagnosed with staph infection and needs prayer.
    Thank you and God bless you and all the pets in need.

  98. Denise, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying.

  99. Please pray for my cat Bailey who has barely eaten for a week and has failed to respond to treatment. Please pray his digestive tract and pancreas will be healed so he can once again eat and enjoy his remaining years on earth.

    Please pray he is healed, if it is Gods will, or may he pass on without suffering. Thank you.

  100. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Bailey.

  101. Please pray for my beloved pet yuki who has been eating irregulary and quite sad for About a week now. I lovr him and i want him to have better health and longer life. May he recover. St francis, pray with us. For God's greater glory! - janver

  102. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Yuki.

  103. Please pray for my seven year-old Dachshund, Willy, who had a mast cell tumor removed and has developed another lump.

    I am praying the lump is benign and that the cancer will never return.

    With deepest gratitude!

  104. Vanessa, your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Willy.

  105. Please for my kitty Rose, she hasn't been feeling well for a while and is getting a second opinion tomorrow

  106. Your prayer request has been posted. we are praying for Rose.

  107. Please pray for my 6 month German shepered Cleo. She suddenly fell ill and is weak. I love her so much.

  108. Your prayer request has been posted, Shawn. We are praying.

  109. Please pray for my best buddy Benny my cat who was accidentally poisoned. He is in the vet hospital for a day and is holding on. I don't want to lose my pal. He was rescued from a shelter and I promised him I would care for him forever and I miss him. Please pray that he gets better. Thanks Jay and Benny

  110. Please pray for my cat Benny. He is at the vet hospital and is hanging on from being accidentally poisoned. I could use a miracle in my life and Bennys recovery would be one. He was rescued from a shelter and I promised him I would care for him forever and I feel like I have let him down. Thanks Jay

  111. Jay, your urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Benny and you.

  112. Please pray for my wonderful Germanshepherd Gabby Lou. she is 12 years old and is very sick. She is very special and is the matriarch of all our pups. We want her to recover so badly and are so sad.

  113. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Gabby Lou.


  114. st. Francis, please pray for the completer miraculous recovery of Mia, our beloved black and white. She is always full of love and joy and needs to stay with us.

    Thank you!

  115. Please anyone pray for my dog Michael who is 5 years old battling lymphoma cancer. They have told my family and I that he has a little chance to live. He means the world to me...My dad passed last year in June and I just can't have someone else leave me. Please pray for him. He is a very happy dog. Even with cancer he still manages to smile everyday and continue to be his playful self. I beg that God will have mercy on him.

  116. Please pray for healing for my little Chihuahua, Boo, who is being hospitalized at the emergency center. He is a dear little old man and is in a lot of pain.

  117. Please help me pray for my cat Napoleon that he regain the use of his legs. Thank you..

  118. Please pray for my 2.5 month old puppy (tibetan terrier). she got confined in the vet clinic today because of pneumonia. she vomitted blood already. please pray for her recovery.

  119. Please pray for my beloved 11yr. old kitty Spike Jones. He was just diagnosed with inoperable abdominal cancer. Pray that the cancer stops growing and spreading and that there will be no more fluid build up in his abdomen. May God touch him with radiant health and many more years here on earth with his family that loves him dearly. Blessings.

  120. My Dad passed away August 1. We got my Mom a schnauzer named Sunshine. We all love her. She is 4 years old and we had her spayed Oct 1 She is having a difficult time recuperating, please pray for Sunshine and my Mom. Thank You Thank you St Francis of Assisi. Praise to the The Holy Trinity!

  121. Oh merciful St. francis of Assissi, Patron Saint of Animals. I humbly ask you to extend your caring hand to my sick dog Frida. Give her the courage and strength to weather her illness. Alleviate the pain and agony she is currently experiencing right now. By your powerful intercession, we fervently ask your mercy and compassion for her fast recovery. We ask this through the most powerful name of Jesus. Amen..

  122. Oh merciful St. francis of Assissi, Patron Saint of Animals. I humbly ask you to extend your caring hand to my sick dog Frida. Give her the courage and strength to weather her illness. Alleviate the pain and agony she is currently experiencing right now. By your powerful intercession, we fervently ask your mercy and compassion for her fast recovery. We ask this through the most powerful name of Jesus. Amen..

  123. Please pray for Lily. Our bichon with kidney failure. We give her IV fluids and she is on herbs. It has been an up an down battle. We are praying that we can keep her stabilized. Her last set of numbers had improved! After months of declining. We keep praying. Her spirits and mood are happy. We love her so much. She has a sibling bichon, Lucy. Lucy grooms Lily every day. I don't know what she would be like without her.
    please pray for our Lily.

  124. Please pray for our bichon, Lily. She has kidney failure. We love her very much. We are doing everything to keep her alive. IV fluids, diet, herbal medicine, antibiotics, love and of course prayers. We are very thankful for every day we with her.

  125. Colleen, we did post a prayer request and we are praying for Lily.

  126. Please pray for my baby Zeus Bear, a 7 year old Rottweiler. Zeus was diagnosed with cancer in November. The vet gave me the wrong type of cancer diagnosis which resulted in loss of valuable treatment time. Now Zeus has a imminenet death sentence and I need all the love and prayers of God, The Saints, Angels and this community for prayers. I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES but if not Gods will, please bless my baby with no suffering.

  127. Please pray for a miracle that Jake, my sisters adorable gentle 2 yr lab puppy will be saved. He is going through final stage kidney failure. We have been told that there is no hope and that he has only between a few days and a few weeks to live. Everything medically and holistically that was recommended has been done. He is a rescue dog who was bottle fed from one day old and survived against the odds. He has been raised by my amazing sister. He is her baby and her world. We love him with all our hearts and we do not want to lose him. Please, please pray for a miracle that he will be healed and survive to live a long healthy life. Thank you for your kindness and prayers. Orna

  128. Please pray for my Kassie (aka Kachi) who was found on the streets of NM. She came to me terrified of strangers so I kept her inside and she only saw them (vet) when necessary. She is around 15 and has an unknown mass on her liver and has chronic kidney disease. She has been getting sub-q for the past year but these past two weeks have been very hard on her and she needs the prayer of others to help her heal as it is not her time. Kachi is such a loving and smart girl who has been a loyal and loving friend to me. Please pray that she heals and recovers.

  129. We are praying for Kassie. God bless you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.