Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Luffy the Dog...and Owner Shannon

From Jan:
I have just now gotten an email from my daughter, Shannon, she has been reading your blog.

I sent her your email address so she could send you a prayer request for her dog, Luffy but I have been thinking about and praying for Luffy for sometime now and would like to copy/paste Shannon's email to you as a prayer request from me for Luffy and Shannon.

Here is her email, Esther: some nights now at the end of his day hopping about he cant get up due to his front leg being so misshapen i just pet him and say "its okay Luffy." I know its only weeks before the inevitable happens. (you know the shot) i didn't realize till the first night he couldn't move that his mind will be strong and fine like if i could take it out and put it in a new body he would be fine. very sad and makes me cry. i just feed him and love him and am glad it wasn't today.

Thank you so very much


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over this precious, much loved dog, Luffy, ease him, take away any pain he may have. Please reach down with your Loving, Comforting, Healing arms and hold him close to You. Please comfort Shannon as she lovingly cares and ministers to Luffy. Please guide and direct the vet that cares for Luffy; thank You.

  2. Healing and comforting thoughts are sent your way, Luffy the Dog and Shannon. May God bless you with a good day. Love, Hope, Faith and Prayers.

  3. For Shannon and her beloved Luffy, God Bless you both, and may you feel the comfort of angels keeping watch over both of you.
    St. Jude, St. Anthony, St. Joseph, Blessed Francis Seelos, St. Francis, and St. Martin, Our Holy Family, please take Luffy and Shannon into your loving and comforting embrace . . . may Luffy be free of any pain or discomfort and know how much she is so loved.
    Please give Shannon the strength and your comforting presence for this difficult time.

  4. Caring thoughts and prayers continue for Luffy and Shannon; God bless you, strengthen you and comfort you, with Love.

  5. Dear Lord, please bless Luffy with a good day, thank You. Thoughts and prayers continue for Luffy and his family that love him so much.

  6. and may God bless Luffy with a night of ease and rest tonight and a tomorrow that is pain free. God bless Shannon with the strength and comfort she needs to care for Luffy, thank You.

  7. Please Lord, send your healing power to Luffy the dog that he may be back to good health. Also praying for Shannon that she is not alone and that you will take care of everything for them. God Bless!

  8. Please, Dear Lord, watch over Luffy, he is so much loved. Please bless Shannon as she cares for her beloved dog; thank You.

  9. May the Lord bless Luffy with a restful night and a strengthening rest for Shannon, thank You, with Love.

  10. Dear Lord, please let this be a really good, pain free day for Luffy. Bless Shannon also as she goes through her day, caring for her many much loved pets; thank You, with Love.

  11. Thoughts and prayers are with you, Shannon and Luffy that you are blessed with a good day, with Love.

  12. Thoughts and prayers for ease and comfort for Luffy and blessings to you, Shannon, continue, with Love always.

  13. Praying for and thinking of you Luffy and Shannon that tonight and tomorrow will be times of ease and comfort for you both, with love.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.