Thursday, December 1, 2011

Update on Pierre the Dog

From Lou Ann:
Joan reports that Pierre's biopsies came back with no sign of malignancy, no cancer, and all the prayers so much appreciated! Special thanks to all here.

Please do continue prayers, however, as Pierre's accompanying surgery was rather extensive and the dear boy has quite a large incision to heal - making it somewhat difficult for him to navigate.

Also, Pierre does have inflammatory bowel disease, and the first meds. and diet change to treat this caused him to get very very sick on his stomach and hard to keep anything down until that settles. Poor little fellow!!

So continued prayers most appreciated for Pierre and Joan; and for Pierre's sister doxie, Peaches, for her Cushing's disease to remain in good control.

... the prayers are truly so appreciated. Joan can't thank everyone enough.

Many thanks,...!!
It is really good news that Pierre doesn't have cancer. Thank you all for your prayers.


  1. Our prayers are with you, Pierre will be healthy and fit in a few days.

  2. Thank you, Pet Lover, and all our prayer warriors here, thank you so much.

  3. Prayers and thoughts continue for Pierre and his sister, Peaches..


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.