Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sad News - Staffy Jax the Dog

From Staffy Jax's Owner:
Thank you to everyone for all your prayers for our dog Jax. As I said in my post a couple of weeks ago, we were told by the vet that if he didn't get better by the next day (Nov 25th) we would have no other option but to put him down. Jax continued to fight and slowly we started seeing minor improvements. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and yesterday we had to put him down. I just want to thank everyone for their prayers for Jax, it gave us an extra week and a half with him :-) I will keep all the other sick animal on this website in pray, hoping for their total and complete healing and if any owners unfortunately go through what we did then I pray that God will strengthen you and your family, they may be only 'pets' to some ppl but i know just how difficult putting down an animal can be. Thank you once again for posting my prayer request for Jax D'Amato xxx


  1. In loving memory always of your beloved Staffy Jax D'Amato, may he know every joy of Heaven and God comfort you at this difficult time.
    I had checked back just the other day to see if there had been any further news . . . please accept my deepest sympathy.
    We know that the angels carried your beloved Jax straight home to Heaven, but it's the loss of his presence down here that is so very hard.
    Your love for your Staffy Jax was so beautiful and profound, however, and I believe in his own time Jax will find his own special way to let you know he will always remain with you in spirit.
    God Bless you.

  2. Prayers and thoughts of comfort are sent your way as you mourn your precious Staffy Jax, God Bless you..

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that...He's happy now in heaven. God bless you!


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