Thursday, November 24, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Zoey the Dog

From Philip:
our little zoey{mini dochound} became paralyzed last night.. we want to make the right decision about her future ..


  1. Dear Philip - On this day of thanks give thanks for all the joy Zoey has brought into your life. May your path be guided by our Lord's love.

  2. How scary! Prayers for Zoey's recovery and for your right decision.

  3. For Philip and your beloved dear Zoey, my many prayers headed your way. St. Jude, St. Anthony, Blessed Francis Seelos, and St. Martin please lay your healing hands upon Zoey and allow her to feel your calming presence.
    Listen to your Zoey and may God give you peace and direction.

  4. Thoughts and prayers sent your way, Philip; may God guide you and heal little Zoey.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.