Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Bonito the Dog

From Monica:
Your page has been such a blessing to my doggies.

If I can please bug you to add Bonito to your list.

He was left for dead after being bitten by dog. I rescued him about three days later. He was going to be taken to park to die. I ended up having to take him to ER/hospital for over four days due to high fever, infection, wounds. He has a fractured shoulder blade which needs ortho surgeon. If Sts. Can join me in begging God to open doors for me to some how save his leg. I am looking for nonprofits to help me pay for part of surgery.

He is such a sweetie. He has been through so very much.


  1. For Bonito and Monica, all the prayers of my heart!! God Bless this dear boy and you for caring for him so lovingly.
    St. Jude, St. Roch, St. Francis, Blessed Francis Xeelos, please lay your healing hands upon Bonito, allow him to feel your healing and comforting embrace. Bless him, Lord, as he is so deserving; and please intercede on Monica's behalf that some financial compensation will be granted to her for Bonito.

  2. Dear Lord, please watch over Bonito, heal him please; restore him to wellness. Please bring the blessing of financial support to Monica who has showed such compassion in her caring for this precious Bonito. Blessings to you both, Monica and Bonito..


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.