Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Updated Prayer Request - Lucky the Horse

From Sushiboofay:
Thank you so much for your prayers. Our self-treatment of our horse's ear didn't do any further damage (although I did have an almost sleepless night worrying about it). Our vet was able to give us a treatment plan without having to come out and see him. Things seem to be improving, but if it's not just about completely healed by the end of the week - we are suppose to call back and the vet may actually have to come out (then we will have the money problem again :( ). Your continued prayers for a full recovery are deeply appreciated!


  1. For Lucky the Horse, and his Family . . . St. Jude, St. Anthony, Blessed Seelos, and St. Martin, please continue to lay your healing hands upon Lucky - allow his ear to heal completely without any further complication; and may Lucky's vet understand these very trying economic times and work with Lucky's family in a way that will not financially distress them; and please bless Lucky's human Mom with peace of mind and some restorative sleep.

  2. Thank you Lord for all you are doing to help Lucky, please heal Lucky completely, thank You


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.