Monday, November 7, 2011

Update on Atticus the Dog

From Stephanie: Thank you for the prayers offered for Atticus. He is recovering and we are hopeful he will be back to his old self soon. Prayer is powerful and we appreciate the prayers said for him.


  1. Very good news, Stephanie, and be sure to know the prayers will continue for your beloved cat, Atticus. I can tell he must be a very special friend to you. (I love his name, too.)
    May the Saints continue to embrace Atticus in their healing arms and may he enjoy new restored health. God Bless Atticus!

  2. Please pray for our lost puppy. Izzy is only 5 months old, she is a Boston Terrier. Our 5 year old daughter is devastated. We are praying for Izzy to be returned safely.

  3. A prayer request will be posted later. In the meantime I am praying for Izzy.

  4. Dear Lord, please bless Atticus with complete wellness, watch over him and heal him, thank You.

    Please keep also, Izzy safe and well and guide her home, thank You.

  5. Continued prayers for Atticus, bless his heart!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.