Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another Update on Daisy the Cat

From Mike:
I just wanted to provide another update. We are taking Daisy home! She has fatty liver disease and is coming home with a feeding tube for roughly 10 days. The great news is that she should make a full recovery! It won't be easy but she can do it. My personal thanks to all who have prayed for her!


  1. happy husky woos and continued prayers for a complete recovery!

  2. Wonderful news! and may the blessings continue for you, Mike and your precious Daisy; thank you Lord!

  3. And all those prayers continue for your beloved Daisy, Mike!!
    Be assured!! God Bless her and you!!
    Love heals, and special thanksgiving to all the Saints watching over Daisy. May she continue to feel their healing and comforting embrace.


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