Thursday, October 20, 2011

Updated Prayer Request for Goober the Dog

From Sharon:
I am asking for more prayers for our little lost dog Goober. It has been more than a month now and I had just about given up hope. Yesterday (Wednesday) my husband received a call from a woman who said she saw him last Friday on a desolate bike path that crosses a country road two miles from our house at 9:30 at night. She tried to catch him but he ran down the path into the dark. She didn't see our flyers until yesterday when she called us. Who knows if it was him or if it was, where he is now after 5 days. The bike path is in a forrest preserve with coyotes and I am terrified for him if he is really out there. We posted more signs in the area and we are praying for a miracle. I miss him so much and cry for him all the time. Please pray for us. My heart is broken. Your prayer mean more than you will ever know. Thank you so much.


  1. Dear Lord, please keep Goober safe and well and guide him home to Sharon. Faith, Hope, Love and Strength to you Sharon, may God bless you with Goober's safe return.

  2. Sharon, be assured of many continued prayers ongoing for Goober and for you, I understand your heartbreak, God Bless you and hold you close, and St. Jude and St. Anthony, St. Francis, and Our Lady, please please help in locating dear Goober and guide him safely home to Sharon, we continue to pray for a miracle for both Goober and Sharon.
    Sweet Jesus, please hear our prayers.

  3. I am praying for Goober's safe return and thinking about you!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.