Thursday, October 13, 2011

Update on Maddox the Cat

From a comment left by Kathleen: To all who prayed last night and today - I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I woke up feeling like a new person today. Maddox slept on my bed last night which is very special. When he was diagnosed with diabetes we had to keep him out of our room because he was always hungry and would cry all night. Of course I'd be happy to see him hungry now. It was very nice to have him by my side, on his own accord, most of the night.

This morning, he ate some wet food! He actually ate enough that I was comfortable giving him insulin without pricking his ear. He fought his new pills. While I hate torturing him I saw the positive and was happy he has fight in him still and saw that as a good sign.

Right before I left for work I peeked in the litter box and saw a couple little poops. That is a GREAT sign and means things are moving in there. He is certainly not out of the woods yet but I saw many of my prayers answered. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen, be assured of continued prayers for Maddox, and you and yours, bless you all!


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